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Hey everyone,

I just got back from an incredible experience at the Limitless Expo Conference in Dallas, and I wanted to share some of the highlights with you all. It was a jam-packed event filled with insights, networking, and the opportunity to share my journey and strategies with like-minded investors.


I had the honor of speaking to a room of about 100 guests about a topic that's close to my heart: how to become a private lender. As many of you know, private lending has been a significant part of my own investment strategy, and I believe it's a powerful tool for those looking to generate passive income and diversify their portfolios. The session was interactive, and it was great to see so much interest and enthusiasm in the room. There’s a real hunger out there for people to take control of their financial futures, and I’m excited to continue sharing what I’ve learned.


In addition to my talk on private lending, I also participated in a panel discussion on “how to KEEP your wealth”. This was a really important conversation because, as we know, making money is just one part of the equation; keeping and growing that wealth is a whole other challenge. We discussed some of the common pitfalls wealthy people face, such as poor tax planning, lack of diversification, and underestimating the impact of market cycles. It was great to exchange ideas and strategies with some of the best in the business. Speaking alongside esteemed investors like Robert Kiyosaki, Ken McElroy, Brandon Turner, Thach Nguyen, and so many more was truly an honor.


I wanted to share a highlight from the conference that really made an impact on me. After my talk on private lending, I received a very nice email from an investor who sat in on the session. Here’s what they had to say:



Your session at Limitless is by far my favorite one. Your authenticity, insights and expert knowledge were incredibly valuable.Your ability to break down complex concepts into actionable steps are super useful. I just preordered your book and can't wait to read it.


On a personal note, l'm a 50+ y/o dude who's starting in real estate and it is investors like you that really motivate one to continue down this exciting road. I walked away with a deeper understanding of the opportunities and challenges in the private lending space. It's not often that one gets to learn directly from someone who has successfully navigated the world of real estate investing, and your willingness to share your knowledge was truly inspiring.


Wishing you continued success in all your endeavors!"


Receiving this message was incredibly validating. It reminded me that the work I’m doing to help people along their path to investing is worth it and making an impact. Knowing that I’m able to inspire and guide others on their financial journeys keeps me motivated and excited about the future. 

One actionable step I plan to take after leaving the conference is interviewing potential virtual and/or executive assistant*. This is something I’ve been thinking about for a while now. Running my lending business and overseeing my investment portfolio is rewarding, but it also comes with a ton of administrative tasks that can bog me down. I've realized that to focus more on higher-value activities—like finding new investment opportunities, building relationships, and expanding my business—I need to delegate some of these responsibilities.


I’ll be honest: the idea of bringing someone into the fold, teaching them my ways, and letting them manage parts of my business feels overwhelming. I’ve been so used to doing things myself that the thought of trusting someone else with these tasks is a bit daunting. But after this conference, I’m convinced it’s time to push past this fear. I need to create more time freedom for myself, not just to accomplish more but also to enjoy the life I’ve worked so hard to build.


So, I’m taking the leap. I’m going to start interviewing candidates and find the right person to help me manage the day-to-day so I can keep my eyes on the big picture. I’ll keep you all posted on how this process goes and share any insights I gain along the way.

Thanks for being a part of this journey with me. I’m excited about what’s ahead and grateful for this community. Let’s keep pushing ourselves to grow, learn, and achieve more.


Until next time,




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